Jul 10, 2013

i love you .

i remembered those days where we promised not to leave one another even how hard the situation is, i remembered how much you told me you loved me and wont ever wanna hurt me . i remembered every single thing that you've told me but look whut have we become now . i miss you ajip . i hope you are doing good inside , i will wait for ya . i cant deny , even how hurt i am , i still cant even let you go . always wanna try to walk away from your life but there's always a stop between us telling me not to go . i hope , once you are out , we could be better . i miss the old us . i hate it when it comes to a point where we argue almost everyday . i hate it when it comes to a point where you lied to me just because you dont want to hurt me but yknow whut ? the truth hurts me more . i miss you ajip . please come home fast . i remembered all your advices you've told me before you went inside . i wont dissapoint you this time round . sorry for everything . i should have told you how much you mea to me before you went in . but its ok  , im still waiting for your letter and im really looking forward to visit you . i will always be here when you need me even how much pain you have caused me , i wont stop loving you . see you real soon my boo , miss you :( 

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