Jan 8, 2014


just had to let it out here just to make me feel better , fuck on how things happened and shits happened . the fuck that every shits i did i really have to let go of everything just fuck everything seriously . i kindda miss you but there's nothing i could do , we wont be able to meet each other and be together again . i was faking my smile all this while showing you how happy i am when im actually not . yes im mad , mad because of you but yknow this madness from me would heal down if you do something about it . i thought we could make it happen but i guess my thoughts were all gone to waste . i pray for your health and for you . be safe and have a pleasant life with whoever you are with . im sorry if im always the one that has been the shitty one but you should know , deep down in my heart , im still luving you even if i have to hide this pain away , goodbye . xo .

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